Grant Applications
CBA London has limited funds available to award a number of small grants. It is envisaged that a grant would not normally exceed £500. The application for a grant should be made to CBA London Treasurer Shiela Broomfield:
These grants are available to individuals or community based groups for not for profit activities such as research, outreach or publication. The grants should be associated with projects or events that relate to the history or archaeology of Greater London.
An application form, along with terms and conditions can be downloaded here.
Applications can be received at any time of year.
CBA London trustees’ committee review applications at their next convenient meeting.
The application form should be emailed and accompanied by a covering letter mentioning qualifications; the nature and length of research; the stage reached in the research; the sum of money applied for; any additional funding anticipated from other sources; proposals for publication; and anticipated timetable.
You are asked to name a referee whom the trustees may consult.
Successful applicants are expected to account for the money spent; and it is expected that grant recipients will make a short presentation (c. 15 to 20 minutes) to a meeting of the London Archaeological Forum (LAF) on completion of the project concerned.